Real quick,
Maybe you have all the power you need, but I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out on the opportunity to get these 10 powerful self reliance reports for FREE - plus a whole lot more - just by taking one simple step to create a self sufficient home...
Take a look at these - they're really only the tip of the iceberg (details below):
Here's how...
I've been blessed to live a life of freedom, self sufficiency and purpose...
But I know that for many modern families - that connection with the Earth... the gift of honest labor... and the rewards of not needing anyone else to provide for you... are flat out missing...
That's why I've made it my mission to help people like my mom and dad, my sisters and brothers, my aunts and uncles, my friends, my colleagues... and other honest, hard-working Americans... to live a better life...
That's why in 2012 I started Resilient Strategies (or RS for short)...
And everything you've seen on this page so far... all of the research reports and ideas listed above... are yours for free when you try a subscription to Resilient Strategies today...
When you subscribe today, you not only get ALL the reports above...
This ain't no country club...
As an RS member, you'll not only enjoy the company of like-minded friends... you'll also receive more expert insights each month than most folks get in their whole life...
Right away you'll receive your password to my exclusive, subscribers-only Resilient Strategies Archives, where you can look at all of my 20+ back issues, most of which contain projects you can tackle right away...
RS subscribers also receive...
'The Resilient Brief'...
In each issue, you'll find key insights for self-reliance... plus pictures and drawings (worth a thousand words) to help you really understand how to add the systems we discuss to your home...
This way, little by little you'll get closer and closer to a truly self-sustaining household...
Inside you'll also find links to any resources you might need for more information... special deals on supplies... and other resources that add value to your life...
Brand New 'Resilience Reports'...
In addition, multiple times per year you'll receive a brand new 'Resilience Report' just like the alternative energy report you just bought... and the nine free reports listed above...
These guides dig deep into a do it yourself project guaranteed to increase the productive capacity of your home...
You'll learn about things like aquaponics... biochar stoves... rain water harvesting... and much more...
Altogether that's a value well into the hundreds of dollars... thousands if we're talking about the money you'll save...
Yet because I'm more interested in getting this information to folks like you than I am in making a huge profit, you won't pay nearly that much for access to ALL the resources we just discussed...
So you'll receive:
And remember: When you join my 'Resilient Strategies' today you get instant access to my 10 most popular reports...
... all together that's over $500 in value...
For less than $0.67 cents a day... you get access to 12 issues of 'The Resilient Strategies... several brand new 'Resilience Reports' thoughout the year... PLUS instant access to all 10 'Resilience Reports' listed above...
RS costs $49 a month... but you can get in for over 50% off the regular price today...
Because I want to help as many good, honest Americans get ahead and live the American Dream no matter how bad the economy is... and I don't want price to be a problem...
Because I want you to try my work for yourself for the 60 days before you decide if it's right for you.... and I want this to be as easy for you as possible...
And because I want to say 'Thank You!' for buying my "Self Reliant Power Systems" report...
So I'm making you a very special offer...
Sign up now for RS and get over 50% off... You'll pay just $19.95 a month, which works out to about 67 cents a day...
And there are NO hidden charges to watch out for...
If you still feel it's a great value in a month - do nothing, and we'll rebill your card for another month...
I realize how cheap this is... But as I mentioned - I'm making this offer for a simple reason... I want you to try my work...
Because I'm certain that if you take advantage of even just one or two of the projects I share, you'll easily pay for the next few years of RS...
But if for any reason at all - or no reason at all - you're not happy within the next 30 days, simply say the word and you'll get a full refund...
And you can cancel your subscription at any time without penalty and you'll never be charged another dime...
It's that simple...
So to claim instant access to all the research reports listed on this page and join RS simply fill in the form below right now...
When you fill in the form below, your card will be charged $19.95 today and every month you choose to remain an RS member...
As a bonus for acting now, you'll also get a FREE month's trial to Walden Labs' DIY Weekly, a premium publication delivered once a week that includes gives you easy to follow DiY projects for all of your gardening, energy and homesteading projects. At the end of 30 days, you'll have at least four issues to keep free of charge. To continue receiving future issues, simply do nothing. If you choose not to keep your subscription to Walden Labs' DiY Weekly, just send us a quick email and we won't charge you. It's just $7.95 per month. Don't worry, we'll send you an email reminding you before your 30-day FREE Trial Period ends and you just need to reply if you choose to cancel.
Here's what you need to do to order: Have your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express ready and fill out the form just below this sentence right now...
Paul Clarke
Editor, Walden Labs
As a bonus for acting now, you'll also get a FREE Month's trial to DIY Weekly, a Walden Labs premium publication where you'll get a new step-by-step DIY project every single week for building your self-reliance. At the end of 30 Days, if you want to keep it, simply do nothing. If you choose not to keep your subscription to DIY Weekly, just send us a quick email and we won't charge you. It's just $7.95 per month. Don't worry, just to be on the safe side we'll wait a full 35 days to charge your card, plus we'll send you an email reminding you before your 30-day FREE Trial Period ends and you just need to reply if you choose to cancel.
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All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.