What Sandy Did in Simple Terms, And What to Learn From it
Sandy did a lot of damage. Here’s a quick summary of what actually happened. Most of the damage from Sandy was done by the …

How to Survive a Crisis like Sandy in the Future (don’t do it alone!)
Good news. The Robb homestead, unlike a large portion of the northeastern seaboard, didn’t suffer much damage. We were lucky. Sandy was massive. Even …

5 Smart Ways to Respond To a Blackout!
Here are five ways to stay resilient when facing a prolonged blackout. This list is a little more advanced than buying candles and flashlights. …

Why Sandy Is Scary in Simple Terms
The “destruction potential” for Sandy at 5.8 on a 0 to 6 scale. NOAA’s hurricane research division To figure out why Sandy has the professionals …

Sheila Bair Warns Us About The Next Financial Crisis, Here’s How to Avoid It
I’m not smart enough to know exactly when the financial markets will blow up again. Nobody is. However, I am smart enough to know …
A Solar Energy System That You Can Put Together in Your Garage
Wouldn’t it be great if generating solar energy at home was: A Do-it-Yourself project you could build using the tools in your garage Built …

Dad and Mom? Did There Used to Be Homes Without Gardens?
It’s pretty amazing how quickly basic facts about how we live have changed. For example: a little over one hundred years ago, nearly every household …

We’re In a Slow Motion Collapse, TAKE Advantage of the Time Available
Our economic and political system is in collapse and there’s no way to fix it from inside the system. It’s a systemic crisis. …

Septic Tank Magic and Biochar Charged Seedlings
The thermometer is expected to get into the 30’s (F) this week. I take that as a sign that it’s time to wrap up …

How Archaic Local Regulations Are Killing the Future and Homes Built Like Bunkers
It’s simple. In order to future proof our prosperity, we’re going to need to become productive locally. Specifically, we need produce more food, energy, …