The Rules They Don’t Teach You
Every skill or discipline has a set of “hidden rules.” The rules that aren’t taught in the text books. Despite that, these rules provide …
Foodscaping With Natural Systems
I’ve been experimenting with the limits of foodscaping. My goal is to convert my entire yard into a bountiful source of delicious food for …
Will Compost Tea Supercharge Your Garden?
Here’s an experiment you can do. Have your heard about compost tea? It’s a concoction that is supposed to supercharge your garden. Does it …
Gardening isn’t only for Grannies
Here’s a stereotype that I heard recently. It needs to end. It’s the idea that only grannies are gardeners. That’s so wrong…. Up until …

What the Heck are Bag Gardens?
When I first heard about “bag gardening” I immediately thought of something like this: NOTE: This is an experiment in gardening by the designer …

Urban Gardening with Straw Bale Gardens
Here’s a very simple technique for gardening in tight spots and in places with no/terrible soil (from the arctic circle to the desert to …
From Exhausted Suburban LAWN to Supercharged Food System?
My long term goal is to convert every inch of my sterile, depleted lawn into a productive food system. A food system that requires …

Dad and Mom? Did There Used to Be Homes Without Gardens?
It’s pretty amazing how quickly basic facts about how we live have changed. For example: a little over one hundred years ago, nearly every household …

Is Growing Food in Plastic Safe?
Are window farms and other do it yourself garden projects that use recycled plastics safe? Let’s find out. Here’s an example of a window …

How to Grow Food in a Drought
The drought this year is pretty severe. Worse, it’s not only dry, it’s HOT. If you want to get a sense for how bad …