Attention: When was the last time your power went out?
30 Expert Engineers Spent the Last Year Studying our Power Grid and What they Found HORRIFIED Them
They say the entire system is one step away from “Immediate Failure”
What will you do when the lights go out?
The man scrawled his last will and testament on the wall of a stranger’s house in Toms River, New Jersey.
“Who ever reads this I’m in the dark as I’m writing this – I’m DIEING”
It was pitch black. The man’s whole body convulsed and shook wildly in the cold, dark night.
“I’m 28 yrs old my name is Mike. I had to break in to your house. I took blankets off the couch. I have hypothermia…I don’t think I’m going to make it…There’s no rescue.”
This poor man was woefully unprepared for a crisis that would leave him shivering alone in the dark for days.
He wasn’t going to make it and wrote a final message to his father saying goodbye.
“Tell my dad I love him and I tryed getting out. His number is ###-###-#### his name is Tony. I hope u can read this I’m in the dark…Goodbye. God all mighty help me.”
Hypothermia had set in. I can almost see what happened next; how he laid down, wrapped himself in a thick black blanket, and waited to die.
But why?
All because Hurricane Sandy took out the power grid in the Northeast in October 2012.
Extended power outages killed 50 people in the aftermath according to the National Hurricane Center at NOAA, because cold weather in combination with no power led to “deaths from hypothermia, falls in the dark by senior citizens, or carbon monoxide poisoning from improperly placed generators or cooking devices.”
And let’s not forget the 8.5 million customers who lost power as a result of Hurricane Sandy, “with power out for weeks or even months in some areas.”
But, hypothermia and inconvenience aside, not only are you more than twice as likely to die from an accident during a power outage, the whole society also grinds to a complete halt.
Your credit cards stop working so you can’t buy food in the store.
Gas pumps stop working so you can’t fill up the tank.
Same goes with water pumps, so no more tap water for you.
Your refrigerator and fridge stops working so the food you do have at home rots.
Streetlights and traffic lights stops working, increasing the risk for you to get mugged or in traffic accident.
You’ll likely be sent home from work because most businesses can’t operate without power.
And when the lights go out all kinds of shady people come out of the shadows and roam the streets
Now, considering that the vast majority of Americans barely have any food or water stored at home most people wouldn’t last days without power.
Unfortunately, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy was not an isolated case.
The rolling blackouts on the 4th of July in Washington D.C. (caused by nothing more than an overloaded, outdated grid) affected 1.2 million homes and businesses and resulted in 90 deaths.
And on 22 December, a major ice storm covering much of mid-Michigan caused power failures for as many as 500,000 homes, and in the depth of winter some families were without power for over a week. And on top of that…after the power came back on, some families in the Midwest had HUGE power bills to pay. Victoria Rizzo paid $938 for power in January.
It’s clear that the deteriorating U.S. power grid is risking the lives and well-being of more and more Americans every day.
The Real Threat To The Power Grid Isn’t What You Think It Is
While it’s true that natural disasters are on the rise, that’s not what you should be worried about.
The nation’s electric grid is a complex patchwork of nearly 6,000 power plants, 450,000 miles of transmission lines and regional delivery systems that serve every community in the country.
A flick of a switch or push of a button delivers power through this vast system instantly.
And while you might chafe at rising utility bills that already bleed you dry every month, the energy industry warns that the alternative is even scarier:
Unless $673 billion is invested in the system, the power grid could break down by 2020, according to an American Society of Civil Engineers report from 2011.
We all know who’s going to foot the bill for those $673 billion… People like you and me. (unless we do something about it, more on that later)
And just last year the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US power grid a ‘D’ rating, meaning the infrastructure is one step away from “imminent failure” because of the fragile, outdated equipment that powers this nation.
Some of which was installed in the 1880’s…
To put that into perspective, that’s just after Thomas Edison invented the first commercially practical light bulb.
The US power grid is in poor condition and mostly below standard, with many elements “approaching the end of their service life.”
Furthermore “a large portion of the system exhibits significant deterioration. Condition and capacity are of significant concern with strong risk of failure.”
The Advisory Council who gave the ‘D’ rating is made up of over 30 civil engineers with substantial experience who spent over a year to complete the report.
“We’ve got poles rusting, we’ve got towers falling down, that we can’t take out of service” said Otto Lynch, vice president of Power Line Systems.
A Disturbing Chart To Say The Least
Just look at the below chart that shows the number of major “disturbances”, read power outages, in America’s power grid in the last decade.
Major power outages have risen from 76 in 2007 to 307 in 2011… a 404% increase in just 4 years…
And two hush-hush reports issued by the US Department of Homeland Security and New York University exposes the fact that power outages happen more and more often…increasing at a rate of 9.7% per year…meaning the exponential trend will continue.
Now, is it really that bad?
To answer that, Dr. Massoud Amin at the University of Minnesota (a former consultant to the U.S. Dept. of Energy and the White House) looked at the data.
What he found out is that compared to Japan, people living in the northeast United States experience 5350% more blackout time every year (and increasing), and that’s excluding interruptions caused by extraordinary events such as fires or extreme weather (like Hurricane Sandy).
And NBC News reports that between now and 2020, demand for electricity will rise by 20% while supply will only rise by 10% – half of what is needed to keep up with demand…
And despite this fact – time after time the government refuses to grant licenses to expand critical infrastructure – often stating environmental concerns as the cause…
What does this mean for you and me?
Well, while “Electricity was primarily a luxury when the majority of our grid was built 50, 60 years ago,” Lynch said. “Today it’s an absolute necessity. Business comes to a screeching halt when the electricity goes out. We don’t have our computers, the Internet isn’t there, credit cards don’t work, and what would we do if we couldn’t charge our iPhones?”
Not only that, but we can also count on seeing our energy bills take an increasingly bigger cut of your paycheck leaving you with even less money at the end of the month.
And It’s Not Just The Power Grid
The world is changing.
Jobs are disappearing
Industries are being disrupted
Governments are going bankrupt and printing money as if there’s no tomorrow
Cities are seeing frequent blackouts due to an aging power grid
Deadly wildfires and storms are on the rise
The processed “food” you buy in the supermarket can hardly be called food anymore
Drinking water is being poisoned with Viagra and fluoride
Centralized and fragile production and distribution systems are breaking down, and it’s affecting everyone of us.
Economically. Physically. Mentally. Even morally.
Everything we aspired to for “security”, everything we thought was “safe”, no longer is.
From our unsustainable agricultural system and our water supply to the job market, the financial system and even our political system, they all show signs of failure.
You may have become immune to the headlines discussing the unprecedented shift across the globe. Drought conditions, extreme weather patterns, geopolitical risks, financial meltdown and high unemployment are only to name a few.
Those are what make headlines. I’m not here to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad.
Because no longer will America’s technological innovation or role as world superpower buffer the American middle class as in earlier economic busts.
That period is over.
There are no more booms on the horizon that we can latch onto.
We can no longer afford to rely on old and ineffective institutions and repeat the same mistakes.
Every facet of the economy is changing, and so individuals have to change too.
The Game Is Over (And This Is Good News)
The game where mega-supermarkets and Big Ag-corporations get away with selling you fake food with zero nutritional value and leave you with the bill in the form of sickness and premature death.
The game where utility companies get away with poisoning your drinking water with Viagra, fluoride, hormones, and more.
The game where power companies get to bleed you dry every month with rising energy cost while at the same time blaming you for power outages because you’re not paying enough!
The game where your government has gone so much into debt that they can’t possibly pay it back, ever. Over $17 trillion and counting. Guess who will pay the bill in the end…
The game where your income for the past 20 years have risen slower than inflation, which means the food, gas and housing you buy consume a greater percentage of your income than they did 20 years ago.
The game where household debt is near all-time highs because you have to borrow to live. Your job pays you enough to cover your expenses, but that’s it. But soon your job won’t pay you enough to live.
The game where you work for 40 years, save up for retirement, and find out that inflation will carve out the bulk of your 401k.
Don’t believe me. Keep buying the processed food. Drink the poisoned water. Keep seeing your utility bill go up and up and up. Live through the blackouts. Keep working at a job that pays you just enough to survive. Keep being a consumer and being only a number on some corporations bottom line.
Or keep reading to learn about the alternative.
Just to be clear, this is not anyone’s fault. These are the inevitable consequences of our economic system destroying an entire culture that has lasted for almost 100 years.
We all take many things for granted today
Our food. Our water. Our safety. Our freedom.
And for good reason. Americans have always had plenty.
But we are now facing the largest system “reset” in history, and at no other point has there been so much to lose.
After several generations of rapid growth, our supply chains, financial systems and food supply are fragile and one disruption away from collapse.
We’re surrounded by these systems. The internet, the power grid and the food supply are teetering at the brink of failure. That means the lights go out, the internet goes dark and food rots in warehouses or on the vine.
And let me tell you what won’t save you this time around…
1. The Government Will Not Save You
Despite the overwhelming facts about the deteriorating US power grid – time after time the government refuses to grant licenses to expand critical infrastructure – often stating environmental concerns as the cause…
It’s as if they think this problem will just go away if they ignore it long enough…
Not only that, but the government actually seems hell bent on making it harder for honest and hard working Americans to reduce their independence on these centralized production and distribution systems.
We’ve increasingly seen the state target everyone from urban gardeners and organic farmers to people collecting rainwater from their roofs.
Imagine being raided by a fully armed SWAT-team just for collecting rainwater.
Yes, it has happened, and that’s the state of freedom in America right now.
As we saw in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and more recently Hurricane Sandy in New York where government agents confiscated firearms from prepared law-abiding citizens, they are more likely to hinder than to actually help you in a crisis.
And that’s not all…
2. Corporations Will Not Save You
Dinosaurs like Monsanto and other mega-corporations have a fatal flaw…
They use “old methods” as a way to profit.
Their marketing, manufacturing and distribution is only feasible at very large levels and they need centralization to survive.
And that’s why they care more about their relationship with Congress and the FDA than their relationship with you, the customer.
And as we’ve seen time and time again where supermarket shelves stand empty just a few hours after a crisis, it’s a grave mistake to depend on these large corporations for your food, water and other essentials.
But… there is an underground movement that is finding alternatives. Decentralized and local alternatives that the average person won’t just stumble upon because they are crowded by these self-interested corporations.
3. Modern Communities Will Not Save You
Modern communities are non-productive environments.
They are simply residential shells.
People in these communities…
…get all their food from large supermarkets
…get all their electricity from a centralized and aging power grid with countless points of failure
…depend on the tap and their municipal water supply for clean and safe water
…often largely depend not only the American economy but also the global financial system for their jobs and incomes
This means that if the crisis is a long term one — from economic failure to isolation due to pandemic or disaster — a “modern” community will be unable to dig itself out of failure.
Just look at the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Almost 10 years later some places have still not recovered.
And even if it’s a short term crisis, this community will have a much harder time recovering.
Now, why does our society look like the way it does?
According to Bill Mollison, the ‘father of permaculture’ and founder of The Permaculture Institute in Tasmania, “the tragic reality is that very few sustainable systems are designed or applied by those who hold power, and the reason for this is obvious and simple: to let people arrange their own food, energy, and shelter is to lose economic and political control over them.”
Isn’t that true?
If everyone grew their own food, got their water from their roofs, and made their own things, not only would politicians lose control over them, they would also lose billions of tax dollars from the mega-corporations.
Unfortunately, the Big Reset isn’t fantasy.
It’s a highly likely outcome given our current precarious situation. As a result, preparing for it isn’t optional.
Is This All Doom And Gloom?
Of course not.
It’s actually good news.
It’s the decline of institutions that have lied to us and robbed us for the past 100-200 years.
Human beings are born creators and pioneers.
The rise of corporatism forced people from their farms and workshops into cubicles.
The reality is that these corporations of today will replace you with a robot the first chance they get.
So How Do You Build a Successful and Secure Life for Yourself and Your Family in an Increasingly Unstable World?
The real answer is simple.
Live resiliently.
What do I mean? It’s more than living sustainably. And it’s definitely not about “going off the grid” and hiding from the world in a bunker filled with ammo and baked beans.
It’s more than that.
It’s about moving in a direction that allows you to handle acute problems (severe storms, riots, flooding, power outages) while positioning yourself to thrive in the situation in the longer-term trends (financial collapse, long-term power outages or major food supply interruptions).
“We know how to solve every food, clean energy, and sensible shelter problem in every climate; we have already invented and tested every necessary technique and technical device, and have access to all the biological material that we could ever use.
We should cease to look to power structures, hierarchical systems, or governments to help us, and devise ways to help ourselves.”
The ethic of the Resilience Era is to not be dependant on the trends that are defeating you.
Instead, build your own self-reliance, have confidence in yourself instead of a rigged system, and define freedom by your own terms.
Because all of our progress isn’t for naught, there are ways to leverage technological advances to maintain or even improve your standard of living, as well as timeless methods that have been used for thousands of years to maintain your independence.
And the best way to help your community is to learn how to help yourself first.
When you improve yourself, the lives of those around you benefit, and that’s the way you create positive change in the world.
Understanding the Rules and Tools of this Resilience Era
…will give you the confidence and skill-set to go out there and show the world what a free life looks like. You will be the beacon of independence that will enhance the lives of everyone around you.
The starting point for all of this is your home.
While many just think moving off the grid or becoming “sustainable” is the solution, that’s short-term thinking.
The resilient solution is to become a producer rather than a consumer and help your community to do the same.
This is about a new phase in history where traditional knowledge, high tech, ancient wisdom, and common sense will join together in the pursuit of true independence and wealth.
So what should I do?
There is another kind of community that is doing the opposite of what the “modern” and highly fragile communities of today are doing. In these resilient communities…
You grow some or all of your food locally in your backyard, through CSA’s, community gardens, and local farmers.
You generate some or all of your energy, from heating your home passively through the sun to generating electricity with solar cells and wind turbines.
You collect and purify your own rainwater and store it in tanks, cisterns, ponds, swales, and even in the ground.
You bring back production to your local community by making your own “things”, e.g. everything from furniture and clothes to 3D-printed gadgets.
Bringing back production also strengthens your local community and makes it independent of the dying global financial system, and can provide multiple resilient sources of income
Simply put, a resilient community produces the food, energy, water, things, and incomes it needs locally.
And when you think about it, this is how things have always been for most of human history up until just a hundred years ago.
Before that communities were economically independent; they built their own homes, secured their own water, and put their own healthy food on the table.
Now, local production does the following things:
It builds social capital between members of the community. For example: People that produce food at home, share that food with neighbors.
It generates resources and the tangible skills that make responding to disruption easier to do. Need electricity? A couple of dozen people producing it at home step up to help.
It generates the prosperity that makes the community more likely to be rebuilt. If a place generates value and income, it’s much more likely to get rebuilt than a place that doesn’t.
Yes, we do live in turbulent times, but that shouldn’t hold you back. It shouldn’t make you fearful.
Everything You Need to Thrive is Out There, and Have Always Been
You can find ways to locally produce the food, energy, water, and things you and your community need — in abundance.
You can learn how to make a living, gain economic independence, and prosper in turbulent times.
You can build a safe and secure life for you and your family by helping you build a more resilient community to live in.
Now, when you design a resilience plan for yourself and your family what you’re doing is you’re setting things up for the comfort, safety, well-being, and survival of your family.
It’s not just “I’m doing this in case the zombies come.”
Many people spend a lot of time preparing for the end of the world as we know if, when they really should prepare for when the lights go out for a week or for when they lose their job.
Our society is seriously broken but you can fix it, and you won’t need:
endless storage [and continuous replacement] of emergency food supplies or freeze dried “meals ready to eat”
underground escape plans involving million dollar nuclear bunkers
large capital investments in XYZ
heavy firepower
expensive ‘toolkits’ repackaging everyday items
There are small changes in your daily lives that can secure critical supplies and sustain your family for years into the future no matter what.
But you must learn to properly harness them.
In fact, it doesn’t even matter WHICH disaster or crisis may come…
The SAME Solution For an Energy, Water, Food or Financial Crisis
No matter where you live in the world or what state the economy is in you don’t need that much to live the good life. It doesn’t matter if it’s good times or bad times, you still need these basic things:
You need to be able to put food on the table.
You need clean water to drink and keep yourself clean.
You need a roof over your head to protect yourself from the elements.
You need to be able to keep warm.
You need a cash income to pay the essential bills and of course the taxes you just can’t avoid
And you also need electricity to power your gadgets
A resilient home ticks all these boxes, and the best thing is that even if nothing bad ever happens you will still be better off.
Being able to put locally grown, organic food on the table makes sense no matter what happens.
Generating a portion of your own energy through resilient and renewable energy sources makes sense no matter what happens.
And not being 100% dependent on a single job for your income makes sense no matter what happens.
Now, I understand that work, family and other obligations often make it difficult for us to spend as much time on building our resilience and independence as we would like, but I urge you to look at resilience as something that you need to understand and implement whenever possible.
The good news is, as I discovered when starting on my own journey several years ago, that there are so many things you can do over a weekend or in just the next ten minutes that can make a big difference to your resilience.
You won’t be able to set up a backup generator or build a DIY solar heater in ten minutes, but that’s more than enough time to plant a tomato seed (or ten!).
You can make a lot of progress in the short-term, but you can do even more amazing things with a long-term view.
There’s this saying that you often overestimate what you’ll be able to do in one year but greatly underestimate what you’ll be able to accomplish in five or ten years.
In five or ten years you could be totally self-sufficient if you wanted.
Imagine having a productive garden and food forest set up that provides 100% of your own food, collecting all of your water needs from your roof, generating your own heat and electricity, and having multiple sources of income from everything you’ve got going on around the yard or in you local Maker space.
Of course not everyone wants to spend the time required to be 100% self-sufficient, and for people living in the city it might be hard (although good solutions exists for city-dwellers as well).
No matter what degree of resilience and self-reliance you are striving for though, there are solutions out there. I know, I’ve seen them and tried them myself.
It’s Resilience That Really Matters…and Good News…It’s Easier Than You Think
We’ve met dozens of experts, traveled to many existing communities seeking to be ahead of the trend, and we coined the term resilient community to separate this movement from the sustainable communities who seek to shelter themselves from society.
A resilient community isn’t about separating itself; it’s about changing the dynamic of its interaction with society.
Rather than consuming, they produce.
Rather than sustaining, they innovate.
This keeps a resilient community exporting value to the world rather than just living off it.
This is what makes a resilient community stay in front of the power curve. Always able to adapt to any trend that may appear or sudden shocks to the system that are bound to occur.
These groups and individuals are becoming more common, but they’re all seeking direction.
Introducing Resilient Strategies…
We started Resilient Communities back in 2012, and after getting thousands of emails we decided to launch a service called Resilient Strategies back in November 2012, and since then members have received monthly issues packed with strategies for resilience and self-reliance.
How to build an aeroponics system for only $250 that can make you $36,000 per year
The first thing you should do when evaluating a property for purchase or for conversion to a productive foodscape. [vol. 01, issue 08, page 7]
3 tips on starting a garden from an expert who has dedicated her life to living sustainably, plus a bonus 7-part video series available for instant download. [vol. 01, issue 11, [page 4]
The name Resilient Strategies isn’t accidental. After seeing best practices, we’ve also seen worst practices. We’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. We’ve talked with experts who know what they are doing, and others who are shooting for a pipe dream.
A step-by-step guide to begin a keyhole garden that will make the best use of your backyard
How you can leverage a unique method to improve soil quality in any environment
An open source entrepreneur shares three tips on how to get the most out of the Maker Movement
Our purpose is simple: Expose you to real, actionable information to implement in your home.
We don’t want you to buy a bunker and go without communication for months at a time. We want you to make simple changes, changes you can implement in your life in a few hours or over a weekend.
How to create a local biomass energy business or coop with less than $5000 in equipment that can set you up with a steady resilient second income
Practical and peaceful uses of DIY drone technology in your local community [vol. 01, issue 11, page 5]
How to raise organic chickens in your backyard and get all the protein you’ll ever need [vol. 02, issue 03, page 5]
Each month, we’ve covered…
The People, Ideas, and Tools Necessary to Make Steps Toward Your Resilience
Of course, if you search online you will find thousands upon thousands of “free” sources of information, but there’s truth in the saying that there’s no such thing as free. You either pay with your time or you pay with your money.
You can spend hours every day searching for information on how to build your self-reliance online, but you’ll really have to ask yourself how much an hour of your time is worth.
How urban dwellers can grow great food without any land or soil. [vol. 01, issue 03, page 5]
Beekeeping 101 and making a simple and inexpensive DIY beehive that can provide you with an abundance of sweet honey for pleasure and profit, year after year [vol. 02, issue 05, page 8]
How to build a garden that does extremely well in dry, hot environments, even with poor soil, thanks to this special garden design first developed in Africa. [vol. 01, issue 03, page 9]
After all, every hour you spend looking for information is an hour you could have spent turning your home into a productive asset.
The alternative is to let a skilled team of researchers filter through all the fluff and bring you only the best People, Ideas, and Tools out there, so you can spend your time actually taking action and implementing these strategies into your daily life.
How to use one of the world’s oldest forms of food preservation (that requires no preservatives and no electricity) to end up with food that will last for years when stored properly. [vol. 01, issue 12, page 10]
The high yield methodology that is the easiest way to grow food in an apartment. [vol. 01, issue 03, page 5]
How to save thousands of dollars over the next couple of years by using the “idle resources” in your community. [vol. 02, issue 01, page 5]
You might not implement every resilient strategy we send you every month, but even if you take advantage of just a single of the People, Ideas, and Tools every month that can literally make the difference between surviving and thriving down the road.
The Solar Energy Assessment worksheet that will help you calculate your home power requirements (a must if you plan to install a solar system) [vol. 02, issue 02, page 4]
How to create an “unlimited” water supply, plus how to store and purify it. [vol. 02, issue 04, page 4]
The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing solar components (forget this and the mistake could easily cost you thousands of dollars). [vol. 02, issue 02, page 7]
What People Are Saying About The Resilience Era
“Our tightly interconnected global system is increasingly prone to large shocks from a variety of man-made and natural causes. These shocks can disrupt flows of energy, food, commerce, and communications to produce widespread wealth destruction (at best) and famine/death (at worst). The best way to mitigate these shocks is to build resiliency at the local level so that communities can enjoy the benefits of globalization without being damaged by its excesses.”
“Mega-hard times do happen. They may not happen in any individual lifetime. But over the generations, they do occur. I like to think in terms of the next thousand years. Can I do the exploring and adventuring, gain the knowledge, help create the patterns, and pass on the knowledge and patterns that will help my own or future generations to survive and thrive? A gardener who knows how to garden in both good times and bad can be a reservoir of knowledge and a source of resilience for the entire community.”
“No democratic civilization can last long if it is built upon a citizenry that consume more than they produce, that’s debt and debt is inherently unsustainable and ultimately undemocratic. If our goal is a peaceful, just society, self-reliance at the home and community levels must be a central focus of our lives.”
“A realm of intimate, personal power is developing — power of the individual to conduct his own education, find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is interested”
Here’s What You’ll Get
When you become a member of Resilient Strategies you will get a monthly issue packed with in-depth research covering the People, Ideas, and Tools that will help you build your self-reliance and independence.
You’ll also get to listen in on a live monthly member’s only case study or expert panel where we dive deep into a specific subject so you can hear from insiders and experts on how to gain control of your future.
Plus, one of my favorite occupations is to reach out to experts, service providers and retailers to negotiate discounts for members. Whether it’s a discount on water filtration systems or on organic heirloom seeds, we’re constantly working to add new exclusive discounts to the list.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of what’s included in your membership:
Member Benefit #1: A 12-month subscription to Resilient Strategies [a $240 value @ $20 an issue]
Your easy to implement guide to turning your family into a productive powerhouse.
Each month, you’ll receive in-depth research on the different options to secure your family’s energy, water, and food requirements. You’ll see step-by-step instructions on how to implement the strategies, along with different options to customize the outcome for your family. You’ll also get recommendations of new technologies that can make your life easier.
You’ll also get best practices that we’ve seen used around the world, in every climate. Dry, wet, hot, & cold, Resilient Strategies will report on how you can make it happen.
You’ll also an insider’s view of what we’re personally doing to boost our resilience. It’s not just me talking about these strategies. We’re implementing them for our families as well showing you how it can be done in our suburban homes.
We have an archive of 17+ issues of Resilient Strategies waiting for you, a value of $340+.
In them, you’ll find resilient ways to rapidly reinvent yourself, secure your food and water supplies, and generate an income (in case you lose your job or someone you know can’t find a way to make a living).
Member Benefit #2: A monthly member’s only case study or expert panel [a $564 value @ $47 a session]
Each month, you can be a part of a live conference call, so you can hear from insiders and experts on how to gain control of your future. This won’t just be a one way call, you will also be able to ask the experts questions through our online network.
This specific, detailed information has the potential to save you thousands of dollars/euros in mistakes and consulting fees.
It will also be a source of insight for setting up and running innovative, resilient, local businesses that can transform your community and support you well into retirement.
Finally, it’s a chance to connect with people like yourself. People interested in building a more prosperous future.
Member Benefit #3: Member’s only discounts
As we work with these experts, we’ll be sure to negotiate the best possible discounts for you. There’s nothing better than having the ability to improve your access to water, food, energy, tools, and services in the most cost efficient way. These discounts will continue to compound as we work with more and more experts.
Along with these helpful deliveries twice a month and the exclusive discounts, we also have a bonus for you if you act today.
And When You Act Now You’ll Also Get These Time-Limited Bonuses For FREE
Bonus #1: The DIY Bible [$99 value]
There’s a silent revolution going on in manufacturing, with people all over the world bringing back production of “things” to their communities, whether it’s through DIY woodworking or even 3D printing.
We’ve been on the forefront of this trend and have amassed quite a few high-quality DIY plans for tools and things that you can make in a weekend, things which will make your life easier around the house while at the same time increasing your resilience.
In the DIY Bible you’ll find 20 of our most popular DIY plans, and these plans guide you every step of the way to completion. Whether you’re into food, water or energy projects, we’ve got you covered.
And as a bonus for acting now, you’ll also get a FREE month’s trial to Resilient Communities’ DIY Weekly, a premium publication delivered once a week that includes gives you easy to follow DIY projects for all of your gardening, energy and homesteading projects. At the end of 30 days, you’ll have at least four issues to keep free of charge. To continue receiving future issues, simply do nothing. If you choose not to keep your subscription to Resilient Communities’ DIY Weekly, just send us a quick email and we won’t charge you. It’s just $7 per month. Don’t worry, we’ll send you an email reminding you before your 30-day FREE Trial Period ends and you just need to reply if you choose to cancel.
Bonus #2: The Power Generation Report [$27 value]
How To Easily Install Natural Gas Generators & Solar Panels To Keep The Lights On…
Exactly how YOU can keep the lights on when the next major power outage comes… Even if it lasts for weeks… or months…
How to create your own ‘off grid’ power without sacrificing quality of life…
How adding a resilient power System to your home can result in a massive increase in property value…
That’s $1,290 of valuable insight, support, and just-in-time information you can use to take action, today.
Because we realize we can’t be 100% sure our service, Resilient Strategies, is a perfect fit for you, here’s what I’ve worked out…
Take the Next 60 Days to Decide if Resilient Strategies is Right For You
That means you can take advantage of a full two month’s guidance absolutely risk-free and take the time to determine if you like what you see.
You’ll get to view 2 full issues of the letter with a new issue arriving straight to your inbox on the first Thursday of every month. You’ll also get immediate access to the full archive of 17+ past issues, as well as the DIY Bible with over 20 DIY projects and the Power Generation report.
You can take a full 60 days to review everything at your own leisure.
Re-read the issues, try some DIY projects in the weekends. Send us your questions. Put some of these ideas into practice…
Then, if you don’t like any single thing you read within the next two months, just say the word and we will gladly refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.
You don’t have to decide today. There is no risk.
As For The Price of This Service, You Might Be Surprised
While you might expect a research service like this to run several hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars per year—especially when you consider we have several full-time people on our staff—the normal price for Resilient Strategies is only a paltry $197.
That’s per year, not per month.
Our research costs are divided among many subscribers across the globe, and the savings are passed along to the subscribers.
So for $197, Resilient Strategies subscribers receive 12 monthly issues of the letter, the monthly in-depth case studies, as well as the bonuses.
Now, given the fact that we have many active and happy subscribers… they consider this to be more than a fair price.
And I couldn’t disagree on that point.
However, given the importance of resilience… We have decided to do something even more special for readers today.
For people who take advantage of this offer today, we will knock $97 off your subscription price. That means you’ll pay only $100 for a full year of our resilience research.
That’s less than $9 per month to learn how to provide food, water and energy to support your family.
But act now, because this invitation expires on this coming Monday the 26th at midnight EST, and then you’ll pay $100 more.
And another thing that will be gone soon is the DIY Bible.
We put the DIY Bible together specifically for this special relaunch of Resilient Strategies and it might be the one and only time it’s available.
You Don’t Pay For It Unless You Like It. Period.
Your satisfaction is, of course, 100% guaranteed. If for any reason you are not happy with your subscription, simply contact us within 60 days for a full no-hassle refund.
Say “Yes” Now And Decide Later
You have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose from becoming more resilient.
So take this important first step while there is still time.
Click the button below to start the easy checkout and become a member.
You’ll be glad you did.
Add To Cart – $100
“It won’t happen to me…”
You’d think that everyone would want to get more resilient and be able to provide for themselves and their families in good times and bad, no matter what happens.
Yet, of all the thousands of people who read this message, only a small percentage will accept the challenge and join us in building a more resilient future.
Many who decide not to join surely think: “it won’t happen to me”
Countless of people have thought that… until it does happen to them.
And you can be sure of one thing…
The next century, even the next decade, is sure to be one of the most difficult times i history. It’s going to be defined by uncertainty, turbulence, and rapid change. Taking small steps today will put you on the right path to protecting your family.
Remember, no matter what happens, you must find a way to secure water, food and energy. But we hope to do more than that for you. We hope you can not only secure these critical elements, but also produce excess so you are constantly in control of your own destiny.
To become resilient you need to take the small steps today, before it’s too late to do so inexpensively. It’s the only way to secure a prosperous future for your family.
To your resilience,
Paul Clarke
Chief Editor, Resilient Strategies
P.S. The brick wall our civilization is headed towards at full speed will impact each and every household. There’s no escape.
That’s why you must take action starting today to stay one step ahead of the trends that are threatening you.
Bad things may happen around us, but as individuals we have the ability to make ourselves less reliant on these weak, centralized systems. We can, and should, devise our own solutions for a prosperous and secure future.
Rather than being subject to the whims of politicians or greedy CEO’s, you can secure an abundance of the critical resources for your family; food, water and energy.
And every month we’ll introduce you to the best People, Ideas and Tools required to pull it off, all for less than 30 cents per day.
Take the small step today to protect your family, knowing you’ve got nothing to lose and that you’re fully covered by our 60-day money back guarantee.
See you on the inside.