A Simple Way To Make Charcoal Using The Mound Method - Walden Labs

Solutions for Self-Reliance

A Simple Way To Make Charcoal Using The Mound Method


Check out this video from Youtube-channel Primitive Technology where he makes a batch of charcoal using the “mound method” and store it in baskets for later use.

Why make charcoal?

In his words:

Charcoal is a fuel that burns hotter than the wood it’s made from. This is because the initial energy consuming steps of combustion have taken place while making the charcoal driving off the volatile components of the wood (such as water and sap). The result is a nearly pure carbon fuel that burns hotter than wood without smoke and with less flame. Charcoal was primarily a metallurgical fuel in ancient times but was sometimes used for cooking too.

You can read more about his process in the video description.

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