Solutions for Self-Reliance

The American Who Quit Money To Live In A Cave


In 2000 Daniel Suelo walked into a phone booth, pulled out 30 dollars and left it. That day he gave up money.

Sixteen years later Suelo still does not have a personal ID, bank accounts, a modern home, does not take money, or live off of federal welfare.

“My philosophy is to use only what is freely given or discarded and what is already present and already running, whether or not I existed,” Suelo writes on his blog “Zero Currency.”

He didn’t even accept any money when his friend Mark Sundeen wrote his biography ‘The Man Who Quit Money‘, which is a soulful journey into the spirit of Daniel Suelo and the American zeitgeist of a changing economy.

“Suelo, lives in caves in the canyon lands outside of Moab, UT. Suelo, harvests wild foods, eats roadkill, and dumpster dives. Suelo, is not an isolationist, he still is very active in the Moab community SE Utah politics and he is an active blogger.” – David Eckenrode for the BBC

Video by David Eckenrode, a independent film maker based out of Colorado. For further reading check out Daniel Suelo’s blog Zero Currency. Also read more here.

Can you imagine yourself living without money?

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