Solutions for Self-Reliance

Home Articles Posted by William Horvath

Posts by : William Horvath

Author / 4 Posts
William writes at Permaculture Apprentice about how to turn permaculture into a career. Get his free ebook on how to start a permaculture farm in 5 years.

One of my earliest memories of visiting my grandparents’ farm was playing on the dry stone wall, tossing stones around and just generally fooling …


What if I told you that it is possible to make a living from a 4-acre orchard and you can even do this with …


Recently I attended a farm forestry course with David Holmgren and Darren J. Doherty, a subject I’d like to address today. To even start …


It’s 2025, the long troubled financial markets have finally crashed the overleveraged banking system and the world is experiencing global depression on a massive …