Solutions for Self-Reliance

Homesteading 2.0 — A Home That Pays for Itself


It’s harder than ever to become secure.

  • Expenses are rising.
  • Incomes are falling and good jobs are in perpetual decline.
  • Investments aren’t performing (and pensions are evaporating).

It’s already tough, and it’s going to get tougher still. Fortunately, there is a way to route around this damage.

If you have a little space to work with, it’s possible to build a home that doesn’t cost anything to live in.

A home that isn’t constantly dragging you down with:

  • Mortgage payments.
  • Tax payments.
  • Insurance payments.
  • Utility payments.

It’s pretty clear that a home that pays for itself is the dream home.  It’s the home where it’s possible to actually become economically secure.

Not only that, a home like this actually protects you against almost all of the extreme events headed our way — from financial meltdowns to government bankruptcies to weather disasters. Protection you can’t have by buying couple of years worth of canned/dried goods.  It also does more to help the environment than any of the trendy green schemes that are being touted as solutions.

How do you build a home like this?

You turn it into a resilient home.  A home that produces food, energy, water, and more.  A home that allows you to stay connected but remain independent.

Keep moving forward,

Sincerely Yours,


JR Small

PS:  A BIG thanks to all of the people that joined Resilient Strategies over the holiday weekend.   You make it possible for me to do what I do.

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