Picking the brain of a global resilience expert
Vinay Gupta has worked with global resilience, failed state solutions, resource scarcity and global system risks for many years, he’s the inventor of the …
Extending the Season for Summer Crops
Continuing our series on extending the harvests in your garden, this week’s post will be about extending the growing seasons for summer and fall …
How To Preserve Your Food Through Drying
In August alone, the FDA issued six recalls on commercially-produced food due to the possibility of contamination. These included chicken, beef, and even salad …
Extending the Growing Season in the Spring
Our food supply lines are incredibly fragile. Since the 2000s, oil prices have dramatically increased, and as we all know current corporate agribusiness requires …
Why You Should Start Raising Backyard Chickens Now
In October of 2013, 388 people in 23 states were infected with antibiotic-resistant strains of salmonella bacteria from contaminated Foster Farms chicken. Last month, …

DIY Isn’t Just for "Nerds" Anymore
Conceived in California’s Bay Area eight years ago, the Maker Faire is becoming more popular every year. The event is presented by Make Magazine …

Corn is Killing Us Faster than We Think
In my humble opinion it’s about time we all start boycotting corn and corn-based products. Corn is killing us and it is doing so …

Large Scale Geothermal Power – Could it Work?
Geothermal power isn’t a new idea but researchers in Spain are thinking about the “Big Picture” and their work could have significant implications for …

Low- and High-Tech Refrigerator Innovations
Keeping our foods fresh is important whether we purchase produce in the grocery store or harvest it from our own backyard garden. After all, …