Add A Chicken Coop… Increase the Value of Your Home?
Over the past couple of weeks, my lovely wife and I have been talking about adding a chicken coop to our home. For a …

Going to Seed?
Hey folks, I’ve learned over the years that if you save and stockpile the seeds from your food garden, you are making a useful …

One thing that makes resilience easier than 200 years ago
Let’s say you want to run a micro-farm as a business. You have the land. You have the know-how to grow crops or raise …

The Opportunity Space for Growing Food Locally is HUGE
Today, let’s do some thinking on the market potential for growing food locally. Let’s start with a big number. US households regularly spend $44 …
Designing the Future of Resilience
Design fiction is a way for designers and artists to visually depict the future in inspiring ways. Typically, design fiction is associated with how …

How much food and income can an urban farm produce?
I’m constantly on the lookout for how to seed the growth of local production — food, energy, water, products. One good way to seed production …

Maker Monday: Perennial Grains
Here’s a good example of why science and technology is important for resilience. Most of the grains and vegetables we currently grow are annuals. …
Share This: A VERY Simple First Step to Becoming Resilient
OK. So, you want to become more resilient. That’s great. But how do you start? One good do-it-yourself way (that you have probably …

Maker Monday: Your Very Own ‘Cake Boss’
Do you want the skills of a great pastry chef? I do. Fresh pastries are amazing. A simple luxury that goes a long way …
Maker Monday: Rebuilding rich soil with HugelKultur
Maker Monday is about people pioneering ways to produce locally. Here’s something I wrote last year, but I wanted to share with all of …