Charles Eisenstein, Author at Walden Labs

Solutions for Self-Reliance

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Posts by : Charles Eisenstein

Author / 5 Posts
Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of human culture and identity. He is the author of several books, most recently Sacred EconomicsThe Ascent of Humanity, and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible.

I had a conversation today about the beautiful world that I believe will be born out of the converging crises of our age. One …


Scarcity is one of the defining features of modern life. Around the world, one in five children suffers from hunger. We fight wars over …


My brother John and I share a hobby of brewing lacto-fermented sodas–root beers and ginger ales–which we share among family and friends and occasionally …


I met three beautiful souls on my walk today in the Harrisburg Greenbelt, a charming, albeit poison ivy and tick-infested, oasis of greenery near …


At a conference a couple weeks ago an activist who does work in Africa recounted an encounter she had with the minister of agriculture …