Solutions for Self-Reliance

Building A Wind Turbine From Scratch

Building A Wind Turbine From Scratch

There are several DIY wind turbine projects on the internet. This project is appropriate for high school level science projects and was originally sourced from Vela Creations a very good site, maintained by a couple living off-grid. Their site is definitely worth a look. Another good website to visit for wind turbine projects is OtherPower though these turbines can be fairly large.

Wind power is abundant, clean, inexpensive and easy to do. It is our belief that anyone can be in control of where his or her electricity comes from. There is nothing more rewarding and empowering than making a wind powered generator from scrap materials. Most of the tools and materials in this manual can be found in your local hardware shop or junk pile. We highly recommend you search your local dump and/or junkyards for the materials required. If you live in a city, do a search on for salvaged parts.

Check out the full how-to guide here at Vela Creations

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