Solutions for Self-Reliance

Here’s How to Build a More Resilient Food System…


Want to get a glimpse of the future of food?

This is the page from Gulf Wild program. When you buy a fish that has a Gulf Wild ID number on it, you can find out everything about it.

Capture Fish

Simply enter this ID number on their website or (cell phone) and it will provide you with:

  1. The bio and history of the fisherman who caught the fish.
  2. What the fish is, where the fish was caught (with a map) down to 10 miles, and when it was caught.
  3. Info on fishing practices (e.g. was it caught as part of a sustainable fisheries program?).

NOTE: Canada has a similar program called “This Fish

I believe we’re going to see programs like this for all of the food (and an increasing number of products) we buy, from meats to vegetables.

Why? Info like this is addicting. Once you get it, you want it on everything.

Fortunately, it’s also really easy to put a service like this together for local producers, and that’s a good thing.

Here’s why: This type of insight would positively differentiate fresh, high quality local produce from the generic products of indefinite age, quality, and origin we get from the global industrial system.

That would be a good thing, since it would help make local food more plentiful and that makes us ALL more resilient.

Resiliently Yours,



JR Small

PS: I had a great Resilient Strategies Roundtable with Camas Davis today. She leads a group in Portland that teaches people how to butcher meat (beef to swine). It’s something you should know how to do if you eat meat. It can also improve the quality of the meat you eat, while saving you a significant amount of money. It was a very informative interview on the future of local meat.

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