Solutions for Self-Reliance

Home Archive by Category "Food" (Page 4)



Curtis Stone is an urban farmer, and a quite successful one at that. He started his own business using other people’s backyards for farming in …


John from Growing Your Greens goes on a field trip to Swank Specialty Produce that grows over 350 varieties of vegetables and uses 90 minerals …


In this video you’ll get a layout of a pretty simple process for building a rocket stove that will last you a lifetime and …


This video demonstrates how you can grow during the winter in a 4 season greenhouse in Colorado. Here are five more examples of cold …


The traditional approach growing potatoes is to hill them. Essentially, you use a hoe to cover up the potato sprouts as they emerge to …


Building a greenhouse does not have to break your budget. There are cheap and easy to build greenhouse plans out there, and below you’ll …


In regions that regularly experience high temperatures, frequent droughts, and severe dryness, farming is virtually impossible. Roots Up is a non-profit organization in Northern …


From vertical farms to solar-powered “farms from a box,” we’ve seen how farming technology has grown leaps and bounds in recent years. But for those who …


What does food security actually mean? Here’s a line of thinking I’ve found that was useful.  You might find it useful too. Food security starts with …


One of my earliest memories of visiting my grandparents’ farm was playing on the dry stone wall, tossing stones around and just generally fooling …